When Love Takes You In


This song has touched my heart ever since the first time I heard it.  I remember sitting at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert, and hearing it for the first time, watching this video.  The words spoke to my heart and I began to cry.  I knew deep in my heart that God would call us to adopt someday.  I had no idea how the story would unfold.

We are just a few days away from our departure date!  I have so much to do, I can’t even think straight half the time, but I am so excited!  I can’t believe it’s already time, but then again it seems like forever since we began this process.

I am filled with different emotions: excitement, joy, apprehension… I can’t wait to get there and bring these two children into our family.  I know that it is going to be a process for them to feel that they belong with us.  I am praying that they will feel loved and accepted and safe.  I’m praying that they will know that they are now forever home with their family who loves them.  I pray that they will come to know our awesome God.

The last couple of weeks have been filled with a lot of things that have challenged and grown our faith.  Two weeks ago, while I was at Nationals with our speech kids, Todd found out that his position at Intel had been eliminated.  I felt awful that I wasn’t home when he found out.  We were in a bit of shock, wondering what God was doing.  We were just about to leave for China to adopt two special needs children, which we are doing out of faithfulness to the call we have felt from God Himself.  What is up with the timing of this?

After a difficult couple of weeks, full of interviews and prayer, Todd was offered two different jobs yesterday morning!  He actually gets to choose between two good positions (still at Intel)!  What a blessing.  God has grown our faith and renewed our certainty that God is calling us to all of this, and that HE will take care of us.  What a blessing!

We felt blessed and at peace yesterday as we booked our airplane tickets, and we finalized our decision to bring two of our children (who are closest in age to Eden and Daniel) along with us for this incredible journey!  Simeon, our 9-year-old, was so happy he leapt into his daddy’s arms and kept saying, “Thank you!  Thank you!” over and over.  What an adventure awaits us all!

Right before we leave for China, I have a family matter regarding my father happening in Florida. I will be flying to Destin Tuesday evening, then flying to Dallas Wednesday evening.  I will meet Todd there, where our youngest 3 boys will get to spend a couple of weeks with their Mammy and Graddaddy.  Please pray that my flight to Dallas Wednesday is on time.  The older kids have various things going on, and different people will be helping out with them.  Pray for us all as we will be apart for a couple of weeks.  This is the part of the journey about which I am not very excited.  I will miss everyone so much.  My little 2-year-old is such a Mama’s boy!  This is going to be hard on him.

We are so excited about our journey, and we know it is going to be exciting and hard.  I will be posting updates as things go along, and I’m hoping to be able to add posts while we are in China.  Please pray for us as we embark on this journey and adjust to life with our new children.

“A Father of the fatherless…God makes a home for the lonely.”
Psalm 68:5-6

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