I’m so excited to be launching my official new blog, embracingabundantlife.com! Here, I plan to do a number of things, primarily write about the things that I love: my life with my wonderful husband; my many awesome, crazy children; homeschooling; cooking; reading; and learning new things. I plan to share my life, and offer glimpses into what is really an imperfect mess most of the time! The reality is that my life is chaotic! But it is full of ABUNDANT LIFE! And I love this life! It inspires me to be a better person for my husband, for my precious children, and for the people around me who are watching and hoping to learn something from me (and my mostly fumbling ways). I will always share openly, because this abundant life isn’t perfect; just as I myself am far from perfect. In this blog, as on my old blog at embracingabundantlife.blogspot.com, I hope to share more recipes that work for my large family in ways that will help feed any size family. I will share bulk cooking ideas for busy moms like myself, along with menus and grocery lists. I plan to also include product reviews of things that have made my life easier and also things that I frankly think are a waste of money. We are pretty frugal around here at Abundant Life Ranch (our humble little homestead), so I hope to pass along some of the things we do to save money as well. All in all, this blog will be here as a way for me to share our life as a large family (people are always asking me how I do it, and you will get to read about some of that up close and personal and always REAL), hopefully inspire others as we all strive to embrace the crazy lives we have been given, and also to share practical things that help me as I run our busy household. And let me tell you, those things are always evolving. I am anything but Susie Homemaker, and that is OK! I’m blundering through life like everyone else, only with more little people watching me than most others have watching them! So, welcome, and enjoy as I begin to build this place and hopefully inspire you along the way.
Mothering, homeschoolling, farm life, budgeting, cooking for a large family